Kamis, 13 November 2014

How to Change the Size Ceramic Strap Fastene

Wristwatch with strap or bracelet perngikat ceramic has a reputation watches with straps that are very difficult to adjust. In fact, manufacturers of watches advised to adjust the strap is assisted by a professional. If you decide to follow this advice, you may have to spend to do so. But for the adventurous do-it-yourselfer can do the adjustment strap in the same way at home with household items ordinary and completely without biaya.Berikut tips for you:

Determine how many links you want to subtract from your ceramic strap. Pairs of watches with ceramic strap it around your wrist, count link overlapping and reduce a lot of redundant links on your wrist. Sometimes you have to remove one or more links than your initial estimate.
Open penguci your watch and check on the pieces to find a metal pin that secures the link to the next link. Use tacks to push out the metal pin and off penguncinyadari pieces that link. Remove the locking piece from both ends of the rope ceramic watch you if you will remove more than one link. If you let go of the link it is only necessary to remove the locking pieces from one side of the strap watches.

toko jam tangan wanita
Check ceramic strap watches you to find the pieces of silicon between each link can be removed. Cut directly between the links, or links that you want to delete and adjacent silicon pieces with a sharp pair of small scissors to cut the rest of the link strap watches. Be sure to cut it on the side facing the end of the link strap watches. Remove link with the same amount from each side of the strap to make sure that the latch will be like before deducted when connected.

Replace the locking piece with a new tip on your ceramic watch straps. Check the connector piece of silicon at the end of the strap to find two small puncture holes are used to secure the lock. Put the tooth from the buckle through the puncture hole from the bottom. Fold the other side of the locking portion on and do gentle pressure to insert in its place. Repeat the process for assembling a second lock on the other side of the strap watches your ceramic
Tags: info, tips
watches online

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